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Turpanjian College of Health Sciences Co-authors Publication in The Lancet

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YEREVAN, Armenia — Members of the American University of Armenia (AUA) faculty, two senior researchers from the Avedisian Onanian Center for Health Services Research and Development of the Turpanjian College of Health Sciences (CHS), Serine Sahakyan, R.N. (MPH ‘15) and Anahit Demirchyan, M.D. (MPH ‘99) have co-authored a commentary titled “Learning from serosurveillance for SARS-CoV-2 to inform pandemic preparedness and response” published in The Lancet, the world-leading source of knowledge in medicine and public health. This publication originated from international serological studies in which the CHS was involved. The Commentary is authored by the group Public Health Collaborators on Serosurveillance for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PHSeroPPR), comprising 42 coauthors from 17 institutions and agencies worldwide.

In May-September 2021, AUA CHS conducted a countrywide population-based seroprevalence study aimed at investigating seromarkers associated with SARS-CoV-2, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B viruses among the general population of Armenia. It involved blood testing of a representative sample of 3,831 subjects throughout the country and yielded generalizable and valid estimates of the prevalence of these critical infections. This study was the first of its kind conducted in Armenia and derived important policy implications for fighting against these infections. The study was partially financed by the World Health Organization. 

At the recommendation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, the CHS team joined the international community involved in seroprevalence studies of viral infections, specifically SARS-CoV-2, to generate the evidence necessary for tracking viral transmission and population immunity. A tremendous volume of information has been accumulated from numerous seroprevalence studies conducted in more than 145 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. To make the best use of this unprecedented worldwide effort in terms of learning from and refining further serosurveillance initiatives, the Robert Koch Institute in Germany organized an online symposium in early 2023, bringing together institutions, organizations, and agencies from low and middle-income countries involved in seroprevalence studies during the pandemic. The symposium participants shared their experiences and lessons learned, including CHS researchers, and synopsized in their published commentary “Learning from serosurveillance for SARS-CoV-2 to inform pandemic preparedness and response.

The AUA Turpanjian College of Health Sciences works actively to improve population health and health services in Armenia and the region through interdisciplinary education and development of health professionals to be leaders in public health, nursing, health services research and evaluation, and health care delivery and management.