
Opening of Vayk Jewelry Workshop
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TRDP Supports New Jewelry Workshop in Vayk, Vayots Dzor

2 min read

VAYOTS DZOR, Armenia — The American University of Armenia (AUA) is delighted to announce the grand opening of a new jewelry workshop in the town of Vayk, located in Armenia’s Vayots Dzor region. This remarkable milestone was achieved through the steadfast support of the AUA Turpanjian Rural Development Program (TRDP). In collaboration with AUA Extension, TRDP has been instrumental in empowering entrepreneurs, fostering the establishment of new ventures, and creating vital job opportunities in rural communities.

The inauguration of Artyom Hambardzumyan’s jewelry workshop was a momentous occasion for the Vayk community and his family. A skilled goldsmith, Hambardzumyan previously lacked the equipment necessary for repairing or crafting new jewelry models and had to travel to Yerevan for that purpose. With the acquisition of a laser welder, he can now address repair issues locally and expand his production capabilities. Customers can now order their preferred designs and unique jewelry produced locally, contributing to the growth of the local economy.

In heartfelt opening remarks, Hambardzumyan and his family expressed deep gratitude for the unwavering support provided by TRDP. During the event, Zorair Kirakosian, director of Field Operations at TRDP, and Narine Babayan, TRDP Vayots Dzor team leader, emphasized the significant positive implications of this new business venture for the local economy. They highlighted how the new workshop provides a platform to showcase and sell locally produced jewelry, instilling a sense of optimism and confidence in the community.

Kirakosian noted that the success of Hambardzumyan’s workshop is a testament to the resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of the Vayk community, much like previous success stories in other parts of Vayots Dzor. This initiative not only enhances local economic development, but also fosters a stronger sense of community pride and self-sufficiency.

The AUA Turpanjian Rural Development Program offers education, funding, and consultations to existing and startup businesses in the rural communities of Shirak, Tavush, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik, Lori, and Ararat provinces of Armenia, as well as in Javakhk (Georgia). Details regarding eligible communities and eligibility criteria can be found here. The program is currently accepting applications for the next round of training. Prospective entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply and take advantage of this unique opportunity to receive comprehensive support in developing their business ideas.