Dr. Marina Dodigovic Receives the Title of Principal Research Fellow of the Republic of Croatia
2 min readMarina Dodigovic, PhD, Professor in the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (MA TEFL) program at the American University of Armenia (AUA), has recently been awarded the title of a Principal Research Fellow by the National Council for Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia. The award is mainly based on a portfolio of her research output and stipulates that the merits of Professor Dodigovic’s research work are equivalent to those expected of a full professor under Croatian law.
Professor Dodigovic joined the AUA MA TEFL program in August 2016. Prior to this, she directed the MA TESOL program at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), an affiliate of Liverpool University based in China. She also established and directed the Research Centre for Language Technology at the same institution. A winner of over twenty competitive research grants, Professor Dodigovic has approximately forty refereed publications to her name, including books, book chapters, and journal articles. She has also performed public service as a member of numerous intramural committees. Extramurally, she has served as a journal editor and member of editorial boards of several academic journals, international conference organizing committees, reviewer for premier journals in her discipline, as well as an international awards assessor. Her previous employers include recognized American, British, and Australian universities, such as Cornell, Liverpool, and Macquarie. She has taught a range of graduate courses in the area of applied linguistics and language teacher training.
The rank awarded by Croatia’s National Council for Science and Technology is considered to be the pinnacle of a scholar’s career in the country. It was based on the portfolio of research grants, teaching experience and public service, but primarily on her refereed publications in volumes whose impact factor had to be verified by the RC National Library. The portfolio was assessed by a committee of peers appointed by the University of Zagreb, verified by the Faculty Assembly in Humanities and Social Sciences and finally confirmed by Croatia’s National Council for Science and Technology.
Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia, and affiliated with the University of California. AUA provides a global education in Armenia and the region, offering high-quality graduate and undergraduate studies, encouraging civic engagement, and promoting public service and democratic values.