
BSDS Capstone Projects
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BSDS Program Capstone Projects Showcase Talent and Innovation

2 min read

YEREVAN, Armenia — Senior students in the Bachelor of Science in Data Science (BSDS) program at the Zaven P. and Sonia Akian College of Science and Engineering (CSE) of the American University of Armenia (AUA) concluded their final capstone projects, marking a significant milestone in their undergraduate studies. These projects are now featured on the CSE official website under the BSDS program’s repository of capstone papers, 2023-2024 section.

This year’s projects covered a wide range of data science topics, with students tackling real-world problems and working with real-world data to offer solutions with recommendations for further research in various disciplines. BSDS Program Chair Dr. Habet Madoyan emphasized the role of the capstone projects on the road to obtaining the undergraduate degree: “Capstone projects mark the culmination of BSDS students’ four-year journey. These assignments allow students to collaborate closely with their professors or industry leaders on topics that interest them. The final report serves as an excellent addition to their portfolios, aiding them in launching their careers. For capstone supervisors from the industry, these projects also function as a form of hiring interview, enabling them to assess the students’ skills and knowledge and potentially opening new opportunities for both parties.”

The students conducted the projects individually or in groups, with opportunities to work collaboratively with peers from the BSDS program or, in some cases, students from the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program. The BSDS program followed a step-by-step approach, with students receiving direct mentorship from capstone supervisors: remarkable representatives from academia and industry. Dr. Tigran Piliposyan, security researcher at Hexens in London and a BSDS capstone supervisor, highlighted the significance of such initiatives, noting: “It is a great initiative, as I always felt that if someone wants to grow as a specialist, they need both technical and scientific knowledge. This format, in my opinion, fits best for students. Additionally, these projects offer a unique platform for interdisciplinary collaboration, allowing students to apply their skills across various fields and drive innovation in their respective disciplines.” 

The projects not only represent students’ final products from their undergraduate studies, but also provide a platform for exploring students’ potential and attracting future talent. In this regard, the role of capstone reviewers in acknowledging students’ abilities and suggesting career pathways was also vital. Capstone reviewer Dr. Sona Hunanyan, a scientist statistician at Philip Morris International and senior researcher at the Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology, underscored this phenomenon: “Receiving feedback from a diverse panel encourages students to consider various aspects of their projects, because academia and industry often have different priorities and viewpoints. With these initiatives, companies get access to a pool of fresh and skillful talents that are about to enter the market.”

The CSE website offers a brief overview of each project, along with the students’ information connected to their professional LinkedIn profiles, allowing the public to both explore the projects and learn about the research and industry talents directly. 

Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia, affiliated with the University of California, and accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission in the United States. AUA provides local and international students with Western-style education through top-quality undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs, promotes research and innovation, encourages civic engagement and community service, and fosters democratic values.