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Sustainable Energy Academy 2018 in Getik Valley Communities

2 min read

GETIK VALLEY, Armenia – The American University of Armenia (AUA) Acopian Center for the Environment’s Sustainable Energy Academy 2018 continued its activities on September 15-16 and September 22 with two Youth and Civil Society Workshops for the Getik Valley communities in the city of Chambarak and the village of Martuni. This was the second major activity of the Academy 2018 following the initial training of mentors.

The aim of the Youth and Civil Society Workshops was to inform and empower local communities to adopt sustainable energy practices and technologies. Solutions discussed included using solar water heaters, solar fruit dryers, photovoltaic panels, and creating energy-efficient buildings.

Forty-one residents from the Getik Valley took part in the Chambarak Workshop and twenty-five participants attended the Martuni Village Workshop. In addition to the participants, fifteen alumni from the previous years’ Academy took part in the Chambarak Workshop as mentors.

As a next step, the Youth and Civil Society Workshop participants have been invited to develop sustainable energy project proposals. They will receive support from mentors and AUA Acopian Center experts to develop and refine their proposals. Viable proposals will be awarded small grants for project implementation. Later in November, the Sustainable Energy Academy 2018 Wrap-Up Festival will be held in the Getik Valley to showcase the selected projects.

This is the third year that the AUA Acopian Center for the Environment is implementing the Sustainable Energy Academy in partnership with the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation. The Academy aims to inform and empower the community youth and civil society members to seek sustainable energy solutions that improve their lives and protect the environment.

This year, the activities of the Academy focused on the Getik Valley in Armenia, stretching from the village of Gosh to the village of Vahan. The AUA Acopian Center partnered with the “Chambarak Development Foundation,” which ensured local participation and provided logistical support.

For more information on the Sustainable Energy Academy visit

The AUA Acopian Center for the Environment, a research center of the American University of Armenia, promotes the protection and restoration of the natural environment through research, education, and community outreach. AUA Acopian Center’s focus areas include sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity and conservation, greening the built environment, clean energy, and energy efficiency, as well as information technology and the environment.