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PSIA Seminar: The ‘Other’ Citizens – Armenians in Turkey between Isolation and (dis)Integration

113W, Paramaz Avedisian Building 40 Marshal Baghramyan Ave, Yerevan, Armenia

More than a century after the Armenian Genocide, anti-Armenian public rhetoric, misrepresentations, false rumors and assumptions are commonplace in print and broadcast media, among government officials, public figures and the general public. Indeed, being an Armenian in the post-Genocide Republic of Turkey has meant going through a continuous process of state imposed and societal minoritization […]

PSIA Seminar: The ‘Other’ Citizens – Armenians in Turkey between Isolation and (dis)Integration

113W, Paramaz Avedisian Building 40 Marshal Baghramyan Ave, Yerevan, Armenia

More than a century after the Armenian Genocide, anti-Armenian public rhetoric, misrepresentations, false rumors and assumptions are commonplace in print and broadcast media, among government officials, public figures and the general public. Indeed, being an Armenian in the post-Genocide Republic of Turkey has meant going through a continuous process of state imposed and societal minoritization […]

PSIA Seminar: Why Simple and Clear Strategies Can Be Dangerous – The Case of US-Saudi Relations during Clinton’s Presidency

113W, Paramaz Avedisian Building 40 Marshal Baghramyan Ave, Yerevan, Armenia

U.S.-Saudi relations have become a matter of numerous debates when the U.S. Senate passed the “9/11 bill”, and the so-called “28-page document” was declassified suggesting ties between former Saudi officials and the 9/11 hijackers. They provoked questions on how justified the position towards Saudi Arabia was during the period when terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda […]