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Alumni Success Story: Anna Babajanyan, MA TEFL ’16 Accepted to University of Cambridge

2 min read

YEREVAN, Armenia — The American University of Armenia (AUA) is proud to share that Anna Babajanyan, a 2016 graduate of the Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), has been accepted to the prestigious University of Cambridge in England, where she studies Education Globalization and International Development. She received scholarships from the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and Luys Foundation.

Anna’s drive for education began at an early age, enrolling in dance classes at the age of three, and continuing in later years with music classes. After graduating from high school, Anna enrolled at Yerevan State University, where she received her bachelor’s degree in linguistics and cross cultural communication. She then decided to apply to AUA in hopes of continuing her education further.

“To tell the truth, I am not surprised. This is what one would expect from a hard-working and dedicated student. Add to this responsibility and honesty, and you will get the true picture of Anna Babajanyan,” said Rubina Gasparyan, a lecturer of TEFL  program.

Now, after being accepted to the University of Cambridge, Anna confesses that one of the biggest challenges she had to overcome was gaining the confidence in her own abilities and belief that she could face the challenge. Only later did Anna discover that everyone in her class, including her professors, had struggled with similar thoughts when they first began at Cambridge. “The important thing to remember is that you have to overcome those fears that you aren’t good enough, and just take the step. In other words, do it now or regret it later!” she said.

“The educational culture here is highly creative, promotes critical thinking and individual work. Moreover, you deal with real game-changers in the field of education research and learn from their experience,” said Anna about her first impressions at Cambridge. She also mentioned that her plans for future are definitely connected with Armenia.She hopes to have a teaching position to help other young professionals interested in education as well as carry on research.

Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia and affiliated with the University of California. AUA provides a global education in Armenia and the region, offering high-quality, graduate and undergraduate studies, encouraging civic engagement, and promoting public service and democratic values.