Study Co-authored by SPH Dean Varduhi Petrosyan in the Spotlight of the U.S. Health Care CommunityAUA in the Media, Faculty Spotlights, Health Sciences, ResearchExpandDetails AUA in the Media, Faculty Spotlights, Health Sciences, Research Study Co-authored by SPH Dean Varduhi Petrosyan in the Spotlight of the U.S. Health Care Community[Science Daily] According to the study, the U.S. spends much more on per capita health care than other developed countries. Read MoretgyurjyanJan 11Comments Disabled
Construction of USAID/ASHA-Funded Student Residence UnderwayFacilities, International Projects, News, UniversityExpandDetails Facilities, International Projects, News, University Construction of USAID/ASHA-Funded Student Residence Underway"This will be a living-learning community modeled on best practices in the United States," said AUA Provost Dr. Rhodes. Read MoretgyurjyanJan 11Comments Disabled