
A Brief Recap by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Martin Essayan and Razmik Panossian on the Importance of the Report, Armenians in 2115: Strategic Directions for the Twenty-First Century

< 1 min read

How do you create new ways of being Armenian in the twenty-first century?

This question is informed by the soon-to-be-launched report, Armenians in 2115: Strategic Directions for the Twenty-First Century.

Interested in the question? Want answers?

First, listen to Razmik Panossian’s answer. He is the director of the department of Armenian Communities at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation which is leading the launch of the report.

Then, on January 26, attend the launch, scheduled for three cities simultaneously—Yerevan, London, and Los Angeles.

Or, you can also follow it live.

By connecting the discussions in three different locations in real time through webcasting, a global audience can follow the conversation and submit questions.

Why do the launch and the report matter?  

The intention of the launch, and of the report, is to instigate debates within the Armenian world regarding some of the fundamental problems facing the Armenian people in the 21st Century, encouraging future-oriented strategic thinking and research.


“It’s timely,” says Martin Essayan, trustee of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Listen to his full answer:


For locations of the launch, go to:

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